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John King and I, April 2015

July 2015

     There are countless sources of music inspiration in my life. Initially, it was sparked when I met Nashville recording artist, John King (Black River Entertainment) in 2015. He opened up for Dustin Lynch at a venue in Columbia, Missouri. Following his performance, John announced he was going to be in the back meeting people and taking pictures. I love getting the chance to meet new artists, but I was hesitant to leave my spot at the front of the stage because I wanted to keep my 'I can almost touch him' view of Dustin Lynch. However, I knew meeting someone who was already part of the music industry may help jumpstart my career. 

     As it turns out, forgoing my exceptional view and meeting with John was the best decision I could make. After talking with him and his merchandise manager, we exchanged numbers and he told me he would help me further my career in any way he could. After talking for a few minutes, John started talking about the CMA Music Festival in June and that I should highly consider attending. To my surprise, I ended up taking his advice and making this my first trip to Nashville. While I was in Nashville I met John's personal manager. To this day we still keep in touch, and I still thank myself for giving up that view for the chance to talk with John King. 


    An additional source that feeds my desire to pursue a career in the industry is country music itself. Music has always had an impact on my life. This goes for individual songs, like Tim McGraw's "Humble and Kind" and Trace Adkins "You're Gonna Miss This," as well as artists like Kenny Chesney and Jake Owen. Having the chance to work with those who wrote the songs I listen to and those who sing them would be an honor. 


     Finally, inspiration has come from my family and friends who have continually encouraged me to follow my dreams of working in the country music industry. I have been told to never for settle anything in life, including my career and aspirations. Then there are my teachers who stuck with me in school. One of my teachers, who was also my Enactus leader, told me I had 'it.' I'm still not sure what that means, but it will always stick with me, and one day I will figure out what she meant. 

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